Wednesday, May 30, 2007

"so blessed, I can't contain it.."

so much I gotta give it away! HAHA yess so I'll "pass it on" in the form of a post :D

So it happened I had a birthday..yknow, only just my sixteenth etc etc..
totally got conned that nothing was gonna happen and got very surprised (such an understatement). SOOOOO this is all i have to say for now:

thank you, thank you and thank you!
thank you to everyone (who reads this blog) who made my day special! the sweetest ;) since this blog is church related, thanks to everyone who came & also who couldn't come..and the logistical team. haha, who scared the living daylights out of me. I LOVE YOU ALL! <333

i woke up today and wasn't sure if it was real. a lil bedazzled. hahah, it's not everyday you get surprised after you're the one chiefly surprising other people. heh, except i knew it was.. because this was on my finger:
uncomfortabling the life out of me ;)

oh and this too ;)

and this is for me from Deborah Siew! :D
okay now, till next time when I get more pictures:
Duty calls! (that is, I have to go pack) I love you all!

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