Monday, July 21, 2008

Pray For The Nation....23rd-25th July....

Attention ALL readers of this blog...
We are now at a critical point in the history of our nation,where the decisions that we(and our leaders) make will either lift Malaysia to become a leading nation in the South-East Asian Region,or accelerate its decline,where destruction awaits at the end of the downwards spiral.Surely we do not wish for Malaysia to become another failed nation such as Zimbabwe(once hailed to be the Breadbasket of the African Continent,but now in turmoil and poverty) or Ethopia,where thousands of children starve to death daily....
I am sure there is no need to elaborate upon the recent events that have taken place in our nation...but there is one certainty.Repentance is necessary.The time is now.It is at this very moment that the realm of the invisible,of the spiritual,is being mobilized.The battle for the souls of man has intensified.I know this sounds like mumbo-jumbo,rubbish,but it is true.The spiritual realm is VERY real.Yet we repent not to any spirits or angels,but to God alone.
In view of the crisis,our very own Senior Pastor Dr Daniel Ho(of DUMC) has called for a churchwide fast+prayer.Not just ANY prayer that you say before you eat or sleep(not that those are unimportant),but INTERCESSORY prayer,that is,standing in the gap to intercede on behalf of the nation.Malaysia desperately needs God.He is our only solution in a world full of questions and uncertainties.He is the only one who can change the hearts of man,and bring true peace and freedom to the nations.
The duration of this fast will be from the 23rd-25th of July...although it involves DUMC,ANY members of other churches can join in the fast.
The 3-day Fast and Prayer will run concurrently with the Renewal Fire Nights in DUMC(same timeframe as the Fast).For more info,contact Jamie Ang(the CG leader for our CG) =) or visit our church website...
Bye.God Bless. (;
P.S:BTW,if I missed out anything in this post,please help me to add it in...thanks ^^