Thursday, February 19, 2009

PCG1 CG Network 2009!

Hello peeps!!
as promised, below is the flow chart for our cg network this year! =)
people in the blue box will be incharge of calling the people in the green box. if u guys have ANY questions, problems or prayer requests that u want the cg to pray with u, don't hesitate to inform the person thats taking care of u k? it would be his/her responsibility to inform the other PIC's(person incharge)!
dont be shy okay? we are a cg! any problem, just OPEN ur mouth! we're all ready to help u! dont keep it all to urself k?=)

for those who HASNT sign up for DISCIPLESHIP CONFERENCE THIS SATURDAY, please sign up asap k?? if im not mistaken, u can call the church office to sign up! its gonna be VERY good for u! all of us wants to be good and faithful disciples of Jesus right? =)
i wont be attending the friday session, but i hope to see ALL of u there during the saturday session ya?

