Thursday, February 19, 2009

PCG1 CG Network 2009!

Hello peeps!!
as promised, below is the flow chart for our cg network this year! =)
people in the blue box will be incharge of calling the people in the green box. if u guys have ANY questions, problems or prayer requests that u want the cg to pray with u, don't hesitate to inform the person thats taking care of u k? it would be his/her responsibility to inform the other PIC's(person incharge)!
dont be shy okay? we are a cg! any problem, just OPEN ur mouth! we're all ready to help u! dont keep it all to urself k?=)

for those who HASNT sign up for DISCIPLESHIP CONFERENCE THIS SATURDAY, please sign up asap k?? if im not mistaken, u can call the church office to sign up! its gonna be VERY good for u! all of us wants to be good and faithful disciples of Jesus right? =)
i wont be attending the friday session, but i hope to see ALL of u there during the saturday session ya?



Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's Justine Day!

Happy birthday JUSTINE!!!

(someone please help me out because all the CG pictures are in my laptop and my laptop died)

Today is your day and we hope that you spend it being treated like a princess. Haha. It's an encouragement to see how much you've grown since you joined us. You are truly a blessing. Random and eccentric in your own ways, but deeply loved and appreciated. Thank you for being a part of PCG1! We love you!

Have a good one!


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

DBS Replacement

Hi peeps!

Sorry it's been so long since the last update. I'm sure I can speak for most of you that we all have been busy during this festive season. It's been holidays after holidays for me. Things are starting to settle down and although I don't like it, I need to get back into routine.

Anyways, as the title suggest, Discipleship Bible Study (DBS) is back!!!

This is especially important for those of you who haven't heard of DBS before. We started DBS a couple of years back. It's a bible study using a series of 5 books, that teaches and gives you the foundation of Christianity. We (XYZ) have already gone through 2 books (Getting Started and Christian Lifestyle) and will start the 3rd book sometime this year. Now, you have to complete the first 2 books before you can move on. So for those who missed classes from any 2 books or haven't even started the first book, these replacement classes are specially organized for you.

Take note:
The first 2 lessons of Getting Started will commence this Saturday (7th February 2009).

Time: 12.00pm-1.30pm
Venue: Room 201
Teacher: Mike Chang & Daryll Tan

I will announce the rest of the replacement classes as soon as I get the finalized timetable. For those who hasn't been through this, PLEASE GO! For those who have already gone through GS and CL, please check your books and find out which classes you missed. If you miss the replacement class, I have to personally replace it for you. Please don't do that to me!!! Hehe. Our sub-zone has collaborated to organize these classes for you guys so that everyone will catch up before we start the new book. So, please try your very best to make it for the lessons you've missed.

Any further inquiries, just give me a call ok? Looking forward to see y'all this Saturday.
I miss you guys!
