Monday, October 20, 2008


6 more days to LOUD 2008!!
aren't u guys n gals excited?? if ure not, uve got a BIG problem!!
as we countdown, do know dat its ONE DAY LESSER u HAVE to invite ur FRIENDS!!! so PLS PLS PLS!! GO ALLLLLLL OUT to invite them alright???
DONT b SHY! DONT SAY THEY WONT COME!! DONT ASSUME they will think its BORING!! JUST open ur MOUTH n INVITE them! let THEM FEEEEEL ur EXCITEMENT about this event!!
BUT!!! i MUST SAY!! u GUYS n GALS are doing a GREAT JOB!!! u guys have invited LOADS of friends! DONT GIVE UP k? =) u still can invite more!! =) keep up the good work!

all excited to get LOUD!,