Sunday, May 18, 2008


It's 11.07pm. And I feel like going to bed already cos I have nothing better to do.

Well that's not exactly true. I have 3 assignments, 2 work files to update and 1 cg report to do. None of which I'm doing now. Instead, here I am, blogging. More like rambling cos I'm just plain lazy. Hee. Anyway, since no one likes to update *pffttt*, I thought I'll just tell you guys how my weekend went! :)


As usual, I arrived at church around 1.20pm to set up the room for Youth Alpha (yes.. some people actually have to do that EVERY week *hints*). We were supposed to meet at 1pm, but for those of you who know the Angs well enough, our timing goes like this:

Being early = being on time.
Being on time = being 15 minutes late.

Being late = erm. Yeah I don't think I need to elaborate this one. Haha.

I don't know why I'm bragging about this... not something that I'm particularly proud of, but I'm working on it! >.< Oh, a little reminder, for those who have not submitted your forms, please remember to bring it and the money this Saturday ok? So after YA, sermon time! Surprisingly, I enjoyed this week's sermon. To be honest, I thought I was going to struggle to stay awake but I didn't. Hats off to Datuk Ps Kee! Remember, no judging! No matter what we think or what we know.. who are we to judge right? ;)

Yeah.. I sneaked out of celebration 15 minutes earlier cos it was PARTY TIME! x) For those who know Siu Fai, (actually, everyone knows him right? since he's our worship leader =.=) he turned 2-1 on Wednesday! So, we threw him a little surprise party at a park! Had to leave earlier so that we could gather and be there before him. The theme of the party was to be a kid once again. So we had party hats, masks, the blowy thingy, balloons, party poppers and a mini banner! How cool is that? Celebrate your adulthood by acting like a kid once again. Hehe.

Yes, we are the Angs and we are cool =p

Stephie & I

Us with the birthday boy :)

It's play time!

I have no idea why he looked like that

There are more pictures on Facebook if anyone of you wants to see how the party went :) The night ended with me watching P/S, I love you with Javan and my mum. Sweet show.

So, want to know how I ended up here?


Woke up at 12.30pm. Ate lunch, then lied on my bed with attempts to study. Instead, I d r i f t e d off into lala-land until Mr. Daryll called and asked if I wanted rojak and cendol. It was 5pm then. I was literally sleeping in my sweat *grumbles against Malaysia's stupid hot weather* so I said OKAY! Yeah free food delivery :) After that, I attempted to study again; instead, I ended up watching Step Up 2 again! Haha. It was calling out my name! I just had to watch them dance. Sigh.. If only I was talented. Oh well... So, after dinner, I took my aunty's kakak to pasar malam and got my bubble tea! I was a good sister.. allowed Javan to drive since he got his license yesterday. Try to imagine how big my hand prints were on my seat. Haha. He wasn't all that bad. And now, here I am.

This post took me more than an hour to type. What a time killer! I'm going to do this more often! x) Hee. Anyways, to end off, here are some announcements:

1. We need helpers for the upcoming MCCC! I just received some news saying that the food department is pretty desperate! So anyone interested, please let me know. It was pretty fun helping out the last time round right? Let's do it! p/s: helpers get to attend the conference for free =p I think...

2. For those who hasn't confirmed your attendance for the Holy Spirit weekend, please go ask your parents ASAP! It's gonna be loads of fun so be there or be square. Haha. And remember to bring the form and money this Saturday! Last week to sign up!!! >.<

3. It's Brenda's birthday today (19th of May)!


The only picture I have of us

You're an awesome chicka and a huge blessing to PCG1!
Continue to shine for Christ through all the gifts and talents He has blessed you with.
Be blessed and have a good one!

Alright.. I'm done syok sendiri-ing. Thanks for reading! Hehe. Love you guys and see you all on Saturday! :)